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Fee & Payment Information

How are the fees I need to pay determined?

The fees are determined by the type of application submitted in addition to when the application is submitted electronically and when the Authorization and Release and applicable fee are postmarked. For exam applicants, late submission of either the application, Authorization and Release, or fee will result in increased fees and/or denial to sit for the associated bar examination.

What are the acceptable forms of payment for application filing fees?

  • Application filing fees can be paid by one of the following methods: cashier's check; money order; corporate check; law firm check; or debit or credit card.

  • If you intend to pay an application filing fee by cashier's check, money order, corporate check or law firm check, you must select that method of payment during the submission of your application.

  • Make checks payable to: "Clerk of the Supreme Court."  For exam applicants, checks must be postmarked by the filing deadline by which you electronically submitted your application.

  • Retain a copy of your payment form to guard against loss and ensure proof of timely filing, ship by overnight carrier, return receipt and/or required signature by receiver to the following address:

    • Missouri Board of Law Examiners
    • 1700 Jefferson Street
    • Jefferson City, MO 65109

  • In order to use a debit or credit card to charge your application filing fee, once your application is complete and you click the "Submit Application" button you will be directed to the Payment Options screen where you must select the credit card option. Debit cards are processed as a credit card transaction.

  • Once you submit your card information on the website, the issuer of the card will either approve or reject the transaction. If approved, the transaction is PENDING, awaiting the board's card processor to either accept or reject it. If the transaction is successful, you will receive an email stating that your transaction was APPROVED.

  • If a transaction is denied by the board or the board's card processor for any reason, that transaction will never process and your application will not be submitted. You will receive an email stating your transaction was DECLINED. However, your card may show that transaction PENDING for a few days, then it should disappear.

  • Credit card and debit card transactions will appear on your account as Missouri Supreme Court.

Is there a processing fee if I pay my application filing fee by debit or credit card?

Yes. If using a debit or credit card to pay the application filing fee, a processing fee will be charged. The processing fee will appear when you choose the credit card method of payment.

Transaction AmountProcessing Fee
$0 - $50.00$1.25
$50.01 - $75.00$1.75
$75.01 - $100.00$2.15
$100.01 and up2.15%

What are some possible reasons my credit card transaction may be declined?

  • The name on the credit card does not exactly match the name provided on the billing information screen. The name provided in the billing information screen must match the name on the credit card used, which may not always be the applicant's name.

  • The address provided in the billing information screen does not exactly match the billing address for the credit card used to charge the filing fee. Note that the address provided in the billing information screen must be the same billing address as is on file for the credit card being used, which may not always be the same as the applicant's current address.

  • The credit card must have the capability of communicating with the board’s security protocols. Some very small credit card issuers do not have this capability and the transaction will never go through.

  • Please note that each time an applicant submits credit card information, it appears to the issuer of the credit card that a transaction is taking place. Therefore, the issuer of the credit card processes each attempt as a pending transaction, which could decrease the available line of credit. It can take a number of business days for the unsuccessful transactions to disappear from pending status and the corresponding available credit to reappear.